The Second Coming Chronicles: Box Set: The Rapture Dialogues - The Nephilim Imperatives - The Minion Protocols

The Second Coming Chronicles: Box Set: The Rapture Dialogues - The Nephilim Imperatives - The Minion Protocols
Author: Terry James
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Word Counts by Category

Crude: 21

suck: 12

stupid: 8

idiot: 1


queer: 1

Profanity: 29

hell: 21

butt: 7

damn: 1

Racism: 1

raghead: 1

Sex: 39

cock: 16

sexual: 9

sex: 5

nude: 3

grope: 2

anal: 1

hooker: 1

orgasm: 1

porn: 1

Violence: 113

blood: 72

kick: 16

punch: 16

bleed: 4

stab: 3

smash: 2