Our Mission
Have you ever picked up a book you thought was tame, only to realize a few chapters in that if this were a movie, it would be rated ‘R’ or worse? Here at BookAngel.io our mission is to provide book content transparency to help you decide whether to start a book or leave it on the shelf.
Our chosen categories (violence, F-bombs, Profanity, Sex, LGBTQ+, Racism, and Crudeness) are further broken down into words for each of those categories. For each book, we count how many times each word occurs and provide that information to you. That’s it! Simple, yet effective at providing insight into how much content of that type you might find in the book.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I see the list of words for each category?
The list of words for each category can be found here: __Categories | bookangel.io
Why do some books not show every category?
Only categories that had at least one occurrence of a word in the book will be shown. If a category isn’t listed for a book, that means that no words for that category were found in the book.
Can I request a book you don't already have?
Certainly! Just submit a request here: __Contact Us | bookangel.io
Alternatively, you can use the BookAngel.io web browser extension to request books directly from the Amazon website.
How is this site funded?
This site is maintained through the generosity of users like you and through affiliate commissions on sales through Amazon. By using our purchase links that look like this:
If you would like to contribute to our ongoing efforts, you can sign up to be a supporter here: Supporter | bookangel.io
It seems like some words shouldn't be counted in a category because it's not used in that context. Do you try to report based on context?
Unfortunately, no. Due to the limitations of DRM and copyright, we are only able to provide simple word counts for each book. Context is largely missing from words that could have a benign meaning.
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